
  • Testimonials

  • The following are testimonials from our members. Read how the Chamber has helped them grow their business and how we can help you!

  • "Hello Bri, Frank, Laura, Josh, and everyone else at the chamber,

    As I’m sure you know quite well, the hours, days, weeks and months you put into your work at the DCRCOC is having a positive impact on so many people and organizations, I being just one of them. But now that it’s been precisely a year since Bri signed me on, I wanted to give you a gift of thanks: 

    You made year one possible. You guys are the best. Cannot wait to see what year 2 brings. 

    Thank you again from the bottom of my heart, Rocky."

    Rocky Santo
    Lenscape Media LLC. - www.lenscapemedia.com

  • "Joining the Dutchess Chamber of Commerce was a great decision for my new business. The Present & Refer events were the most successful for me, as they provided an opportunity to talk to a room full of business owners about how I could help them in their practice, and they did result in new clients and valuable connections. There are so many different ways to be involved with The Chamber and the networking experience has been extremely beneficial for me as a new small business owner."

    Victoria Ratner, Owner
    Second Sight Bookkeeping


  • "I am not new to sales or networking by any stretch, but I am new to chamber events. Since joining CDPHP two years ago at the age of 43, on a complete industry hop, I can say that your events are some of the best ones I have attended all around. Having the opportunity to share the stage for a DCRCOC event was special to me."

    Matt Meagher
    Capital District Physician's Health Plan, Inc. - www.CDPHP.com


  • I have never been to a networking event like yesterday’s with the Chamber. I loved the agenda. It was so interactive. I’m looking forward to participating in events moving forward.

    Kate Hooker
    Sales Executive II, Small Business Commercial Sales

    Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan, Inc. (CDPHP)

    The Chamber gives business owners in the area so many opportunities to get out in the public. It's really up to you to take your pick and go with it. Whether you can make an early morning networking breakfast or monthly evening social, there is something for everyone. The contact and support that is available to you is also pretty generous. 

    For me, I dove in through the Present and Refer functions which helped me meet other local business owners, and also get comfortable speaking in front of others. Win win!

    I am very thankful to the Chamber for keeping us notified on available resources as well. Due to an email from the Chamber I was able to apply for a re-opened Covid recovery grant. I would not have known about this if I hadn't received that notice. Luckily I did, and was approved and am able to build my business website to gain more clients! I'm so thankful for this.

    Mary Therese Yamamoto
    MTY Bookkeeping, Inc. - www.mtybooks.com

    "I recently 'attended' the three candidate forums that applied to me. I was so impressed by how well they were run. They were organized and professional. The questions were well written and well presented by the moderator. I went into them already knowing who I would vote for and the forums did not change my mind, but I feel that I am now a much better informed voter for having taken the time to listen to these. I wanted to thank you for having these forums. They were a great service to the voters of our area. I greatly appreciate the time and effort that went into them."

     Kathy Meyerson, Co-Owner
    Minuteman Press of Hyde Park and Red Hookhp.minutemanpress.com

    "When I joined my current firm in 2012, The Hodgkins Agency, I was in charge of going to the Chamber events to help expand and grow our practice. From there it has been a great experience and has tremendously helped grow not only the firms client base but has greatly improved my own client base and helped me get connections I otherwise would have not been able to obtain. I first started by going to as many ribbon cuttings as my schedule allowed to meet local business owners and then became heavily involved with the HVYP (Hudson Valley Young Professionals). I can say that because of HVYPs, I was able to meet one of my best clients and also become good friends with many people. I have been on the advisory council for the HVYP for 3+ years and former chair for their Membership. It has helped me be able to give back to my community as well by connecting with various charitable organizations such as the Chamber Foundation. I believe had it not been for the Chamber I would have not achieved the great honor of a 40 under 40 nomination this past year."

                                                                            Devan Cleary, Financial Services Professional
    The Hodgkins Agency - hodgkinsagency.com

    “The first organization that Whalen Architecture joined when we opened was the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Though we have been members for only a few years, the number of contacts made and the opportunities to network with likeminded professionals has far exceeded our expectations. Being a member of the Ambassador Committee has not only been a privilege, but has also helped to grow our business with those in the construction industry and well beyond. The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce continues to impress us with their dedication to their members and we look forward to many years of being members! ” 
                                                                                                                                                      Stephen A. Whalen, RA, LEED AP
    Whalen Architecture, PLLC  - whalenarchitecture.com

    “Being an active member of the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce has been instrumental in growing my agency in the Hudson Valley. If you’re a local business looking to build business, look no further. From networking events to on-site assistance and tools, every entrepreneur and rising executive stands something to gain by aligning with the Chamber. I’m proud to have such a robust resource in our community.” 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Filomena Fanelli, CEO Founder

    Impact PR & Communications - prwithimpact.com


    "I have been a member of the Chamber since July 2011. My first event was a new member luncheon and, not only did I meet a lot of nice people, but I made a business connection and gained a new policyholder. That alone sold me on the importance of the Chamber and made me want to attend as many events as possible. Over the years, I have  made some wonderful connections that have been beneficial to me personally and for my business in personal lines insurance. In the process I have gained many new friends. I have such a large network now that if I can’t help a client with something I know someone who can and feel confident referring that person to them. It’s all about helping people and that’s the goal of the Chamber. I have found the staff members to be very helpful when I’ve needed an introduction to someone or wanted some advice as to how to best market my business. They are an invaluable resource. Everyone should take advantage of all the Chamber has to offer and find out more about them by attending that 1st event. I’m certainly glad I did."

    Staci Cussick, Lead Sales Representative
    Comparion Insurance - A Liberty Mutual Company libertymutual.com/StaciCussick

    "The Chamber has played an integral part in the growth of my business. Introductions, relationships developed, as well as enduring friendships are some of the direct benefits to my business and my personal well being. Their events attract a wide variety of persons that are particularly appealing when shared with a “Buddy” or seasoned member. Additionally the Leadership Dutchess program is a valuable development tool for any Chamber member. In a business environment such as what we have in the Hudson Valley, it is vital for small businesses to support one another in order to keep a LOCAL focus. The Chamber’s presence and role, allows not only my business, but every other business that ability to be seen and recognized, and to participate on a level playing field. This role allows every business an opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the largest employers in the region and be counted."

    Tony D’Aquanni
    Branding Pros brandingpros.com

    "Being part of the Chamber has given me with so much value for the amount of events that are provided for member and the quality of the events goes above and beyond the investment in the member fee. I have revived my investment in the Chamber many times over and being part of the ambassador committee and being able to add value to others is an honor."

    Londina Cruz, Executive Director
    John Maxwell Team Johnmaxwellteam.com

    "It is very hard to over-estimate the contribution that the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce has made to the Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum over the past several years. The Chamber is an extremely valuable resource for putting non-for-profits like Old Rhinebeck in touch with individuals who can help with the organization’s specialized mission, and exposing that mission to other individuals outside of the organization’s constituency. The Chamber’s reach within Dutchess County is very wide and the museum has benefitted from establishing relationships with individuals that will aid in Professional Development, Education, Marketing and bolstering volunteerism which is critical to the not-for-profit entity. The value of Membership in the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce is proven every year. As priorities and need for attention shift over time within the organization chances are that the Chamber can offer assistance. I would encourage all members of the Chamber to support the monthly contact events and utilize this extremely valuable resource. These are attended by an extremely diverse representation of the business community and one is hard-pressed to not find a like- minded individual that is willing to share information, or suggest someone you should meet. The complexities of being a “living” museum are many and can result in immeasurable expenses. The chamber’s promotional assistance with our most recent fundraiser had a profound effect on attendance and contributed to a record setting event. Likewise, as the gold-standard of all event planners, their suggestions for our gala have us looking forward with enthusiasm to making the event even more effective and successful. The DCRCOC are consummate professionals. It is difficult not to get wrapped up in the enthusiasm they exhibit while going about their business. What is good for the Chamber is good for Dutchess County. "

    Stewart SommervilleDevelopment Chairman 
    Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome oldrhinebeck.org

    Joining the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce has been one of the best decisions I have made towards growing my business.  The staff of this organization goes out of the way on a regular basis in order to make sure that we are taking full advantage of everything they have to offer, which, by the way, is a lot.  

    This is one of the most well run organizations I have ever encountered.  So much so that I have even used some principles from the chamber as examples to help other organizations I belong to run more effectively.  On top of that, the chamber staff consists of some of the smartest, most talented, funny, and all around good people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Even before joining, they were all so welcoming and helpful.  Immediately upon joining, the staff all went out of their way to get to know me and to make sure that they are helping in any way they possibly could.

    Mark Copans
    Copans Marketing & Promotions pnphv.com/item/hand-in-hand-marketing-mark-copans


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