  • Member Application

    Please complete & submit the form below and a membership representative will be in touch shortly to discuss your dues rate and complete the application process. Please Note: There will be a photographer at all Chamber events. As a member, you grant permission for the Chamber to use all photographs, quotes or other information for publication in the Hudson Valley Business Scene or other Chamber media outlets.

    Step 1:

    Member Info
    Please add your company name.
    Please add your company phone number.
    Please add a valid email.
    Physical Address
    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Mailing Address
    Social Network Addresses

    Step 2:

    Additional Info
    Please add your company description.
    Please add your business keywords.
    Please add your number of full-time employees.
    Please add your number of part-time employees.
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Looks good!

    Step 3:

    Primary Contact
    Please add your first name.
    Please add your last name.
    Please add your title.
    Please add your phone number.
    Please add a valid email.

    Contact Preference

    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.

    Step 4:

    Billing Contact
    Please add your first name.
    Please add your last name.
    Please add your title.
    Please add your phone number.
    Please add a valid email.

    Contact Preference

    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.

    Step 5:

    Membership Package
    Please select a Membership Package
    Additional Options:
    Payment Option
    Please complete the Captcha
    Please read and accept the privacy policy before continuing.


  • Member News

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