  • News Release: 3/6/2025

    WHAT:      "The Blessing of the Animals"

    WHERE:    Third Evangelical Lutheran Church, 31 Livingston St., Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572

    WHEN:      Saturday, May 17th, Noon to 4pm with a Rain Date of Sunday, May 18th, 1pm to 5pm

    WHY:         To strengthen the human-animal bond by celebrating the 110th anniversary of "Be Kind to Animals Week"

    HOW:         This is a free, outdoors, family fun event.  Bring your pet for an individual hands-on blessing from Pastor James Miller and meet the Ambassador Animals who are exhibiting with their caregivers.  This is an afternoon meant to educate and build compassion for all living creatures.


    Press Contact:  ROSEMARY JOYCE   845 478 2452 direct line/no texting




    On Saturday, May 17th at noon, the Third Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rhinebeck will be hosting their annual, "The Blessing of the Animals". This celebration corresponds with "Be Kind to Animals Week", a 110-year-old American tradition. It is the oldest commemorative week in United States history, started by AMERICAN*HUMANE. This organization was founded in 1877 and is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and well-being of animals.


    Our 6-foot community "Pet Remembrance Tree" is dedicated to the California wildfire victims. People are invited to adorn the tree with loving tributes to their pets who have passed.  Items such as pet toys, leashes, photos, notes, paw prints, cards and other tributes may be placed on the tree in memory of loving companions. 


    "The Blessing" is a hands-on, individual experience administered by Pastor James Miller.  All furred, finned, feathered and scaled friends are invited to attend with their companion humans. All animal guests must be properly escorted, leashed, kenneled, harnessed, etc. This is an outdoor event.


    In addition to "The Blessing" the church's great lawn will be filled with community-based rescue services and shelter organizations. Visitors, with or without pet escorts, can meet and interact with Ambassador Animals and learn more about pet and wildlife care.  Countryside Animal Hospital is sponsoring a free "Ask the Vet" table to answer questions about medical issues, general care and grooming.


     Current List of Exhibitors: Photos and Interview Guests Available


    ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION ... a 501c3 charity, AFF was founded in 1985 and built on the principle that "all dogs are individuals".  Promoting animal and human welfare their focus is to help people and pets in their communities by supporting local shelter programs, rescuing and placing at risk breeds, esp. pit bulls.  Their "Old Friend" program focuses on senior shelter dogs. Their Ambassador Animal will be an adoptable "Old Friend".


    BLIND DOG RESCUE ALLIANCE ... one of their missions is to place blind canines in loving homes.  Being visually challenged does not inhibit a dog's ability to live rewarding lives and be loving companions.  Their Ambassador Animal is Hazel.


    COUNTRYSIDE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ... Free "Ask the Vet" table.  A mainstay of the community, providing quality care throughout the life of your dog, cat or pocket pet.  They will be waiting to answer questions so bring your list!


    DR. LAURA JAWORSKI AND LAZARUS ... Dr. Laura is a veterinarian, wildlife rehabilitator, educator and falconer.   At her table folks can meet and greet Raptor Ambassador Lazarus, an eight-year-old Eurasian eagle owl.  


    HOLLY MENTZER ... is a board-certified music therapist working for Hudson Valley Hospice.  Uniquely trained, Holly knows the power of music.  It enhances the lives of homebound patients and calms anxious pets.  She will be playing her portable harp at "The Blessing".


    HOPE FARM ANIMAL RESCUE, INC....  a 501c3, their mission is to rescue farm animals and provide them with a safe place to heal and thrive.  Their van is always filled with amazing residents that children can play with and learn about.  Their Ambassador Animal is Rosie, a 200 plus pound pot belly pig ...  her favorite treats are lollipops.


    HOPE FOR DOGS PR .. a 501c3, their mission is to rescue and rehabilitate homeless and at-risk dogs from Puerto Rico. Once in the US, they have a second chance for a nurturing home and stress-free life.  They will have several Ambassador Puppies for adoption.


    P.A.N.T. ... a 501c3, "Partnership for Animal Needing Transition" is an all-volunteer community group working to reduce feral and abandoned cat populations.  They support early neuter and spay while maintaining an ongoing TNR (trap, neuter and return) program.  They will have several Ambassador Felines looking for loving homes 


    PET DIVISION of 4-H ... a 501c3, the 4-H Small Animal Project allows youth to learn about the life history, management and care of a pet of their choice: birds, guinea pigs, rabbits dogs and even bugs!  The project covers all aspects of pet care: selection, feeding, health, etc. Raising these pets in the 4-H Pet Division helps kids develop important life skills for future success. Come meet the members and learn more about their Ambassador Animals.


    STATE POLICE CANINE UNIT ... The New York State department's participation is always a very exciting addition.  From the moment the transport vehicle arrives everyone is eager to meet the team, 2 and 4-legged officers.  Working members of the canine unit, these partners provide a great opportunity to answer questions about their important role in keeping the community safe. 


    THE SOUTHLANDS FOUNDATION ... a 501c3, this focal point of the Rhinebeck equestrian community will be highlighting many of their interactive programs.  One of special note is "Mommy & Me".  Starting at 3 years of age children, accompanied by a parent learn how to approach, care for, respect and share their lives with horses. The Foundation has many programs to accommodate all age groups and all levels of riders.  Their Equine Ambassador is Casey 



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