  • News Release: 3/23/2025

    Wappingers students smash Long Multiplication Records


    Have you every have trouble multiplying 3 digits by 3 digits? Well, at least 4 students with more to come have multiplied 92 digits by 92 digits getting 191 digits in the answer, breaking world records. Dr. Irvin Miller, director of the Math & Physics Exploration (501 (c)3 ), has developed techniques that are several levels beyond what is taught in school, but builds upon what the students were taught. Lets look at some comparisons:


    Dutchess County Florida Australia India

    digits Owen Darius Giovanni Kian            Sanaa Hiremath Pepe King Granth Thakkar

    12x12 1:24 1:02* 1:09 1:09                     10x10    10-

    24x24 4:51 3:23 2:44* 3:23                       20x20                       5:29            2 min

    48x48 13:18 9:12 8.04* 7:18                 Use pic on page 6 of 4 boys standing   Daris  Kian  Owen Giovanni                                                                                 40x40                     35:22

    96x96 34+ 24:40 17:25* 12:03


    * records The others made an error or two.


    As you can see (proprated) the Wappingers Falls students toppled all of the records. Their taget was on the 35:22 for the Australian record holder as of last year. Giovanni easily broke all of his records. Pepe King did the 40x40 mentally using the criss cross technique. He would have failed by New York standards because he coudn't show his work.


    Giovanni did the 96x96 twice as fast as the Australian did the 40x40. With the techniques that Giovanni and his classmates used, they did the 96x96 in half the time of the 40x40. King handled 1600 digits, while Giovanni handled 1200. He also used four sheets of paper pasted together. In the future Giovanni will have some competition from 5th graders who are now learning to multiply 18x18 digits.


    These students may have better computational skills than their parents. Hopefully the New York Department of Education will take note of their accomplishments.



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