Sunday Aug 31, 2025
6:30 AM - 8:30 AM EDT
Sunday, August 31
Gates open at 5:30 AM
Tymor Park
249 Duncan Road
LaGrangeville, NY 12540
On the mornings of August 31 & August 31 at 6:30AM, join Pellegrino Healing Center at the festival to practice yoga while watching the sunrise and hot-air balloons take flight!
All levels are welcome.
Yoga is FREE with admission to the festival and is compliments of Pellegrino Healing Center of Hyde Park.
You must purchase a ticket to the event AND register for the yoga class in advance.
Bring a yoga mat, a towel, and water.
Space is limited to a first-come-first-served reservation.
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to class to sign in and set up.
To reserve your space please purchase you festival ticket HERE:
Location of Yoga: Along Duncan Road on a hill overlooking the Hot-Air Balloon Launch Site
IMPORTANT: You will also need to purchase an admission ticket to the Balloon Festival.