Sunday Jun 4, 2023 Saturday Jun 10, 2023
June 4 to 10, 2023
200 Cardinal Rd. Hyde Park, NY 12538
$450 per person (5 days, includes all meals, lodging, registration fee & transportation to track sites).
$50 deposit due by April 15. (part of total price).
Mike Morse
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A 5-day program for young adults with presentations, group sessions, and hands-on activities in selected fields which explores leadership values & styles, communication skills, goal setting, personal strengths & growth, career prep, college success, and ethical aspects.
Activity tracks in 4 areas (Business, Dialogue, Ecology, Media) bring concepts to life and show how building relationships and sound problem solving become practical ways to implement leadership principles into the circumstances and realities of everyday life. Hosted by Youth Center for North Americas (Focolare).
Young adults ages 18 to 30.