  • Take advantage of Chamber opportunities this fall

    Take advantage of Chamber opportunities this fall

    It may be the peak of summer, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your plans for the busy fall and winter season. How can the Chamber help your bottom line in the months to come?

    Is your business gearing up for new campaigns, sales, or other marketing initiatives? Some great ways to spread the word are included in your Chamber membership! Take advantage of the exposure that our website and this newsletter has to offer by submitting press releases, business news, job postings, or events. We receive over 3 million hits to our website annually, this newsletter is sent to nearly 20,000 business contacts and receives a 43% open rate, and you should be taking advantage of this growing exposure!

    Additionally, you can advertise in the Chamber’s Fall/Winter printed Business Directory, which is widely available at high-traffic locations throughout the Hudson Valley, including 18 Tourist Information Centers. And we invite you to be a guest on our Hudson Valley Business Scene radio show and tell listeners about your business. The radio show airs every other Sunday morning at 11:30AM on iHeart Media stations. To reach your target audience, we can also help with your branding through advertising opportunities we offer both in print and digital.

                We of course have a host of upcoming networking events to add to your calendar – Ribbon Cuttings, our bi-monthly Network, Present & Refer, quarterly Master Your Membership sessions, Business Education Seminars, monthly Contact Breakfasts and Business After Hours – each of which is a chance to meet new potential customers and widen your circle of influence. We can also connect you with niche target audiences, such as the Hudson Valley Young Professionals, Women’s Leadership Alliance, and the Nonprofit Committee. If you consider becoming a sponsor of one of our events then your organization will receive a great deal of promotion – before, during and after. This includes the opportunity to hand out literature and present attendees with discounts and raffle prizes. Marketing your business through a Chamber event can be a tailor-made experience allowing you to develop personal connections.

                To ensure that you are getting the most out of your membership, and that your organization is utilizing the tools we provide, I recommend meeting with Josh Galow. Josh can help you discover new and creative ways for you to reach a large family audience or connect with other businesses in the Hudson Valley. To setup a meeting with Josh call (845) 454-1700 Ext. 1012 or email JGalow@dcrcoc.org. Please enjoy the rest of your summer, and always remember to Think Local First!


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